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Stuff Matters

🚀 The Book in 3 Sentences

A book about a lot of stuff. It is a book about the stuff we make use of. It consists of a lot of information about everything we use in our daily lives.

🎨 Impressions

I found this book to be very cool. Also, look into Material World

✍️ My Top Quotes

  • Thermal paper: Paper with encapsulated ink that requires heat which causes the ink and acid to react and form a dark pigment.
  • Fermi paradox: The vast number of stars and planets in the universe provides abundant opportunities for intelligent life to form. While I was there no evidence of that being true.
  • Janus particle: What makes electronic papers work.
  • Ephermal: Lasting only a short day/time.
  • Concrete doesn´t dry; it reacts with water.
  • Make concrete, aluminum and iron-rich rocks are the magic ingredients.
  • Concrete is cement mixed with small stones, or pebbles, which play the role of tiny bricks.
  • Mixing, relationship of concrete and water is extremely important.
  • Joseph Mourier, a Parisian gardner, invented reinforced concrete to make extra pots.
  • Pollo con molar: chicken in cocoa, a Mexican dish.
  • Maillard reaction: When applied with heat, carbohydrates (sugars) and proteins form bonds that create delicious tastes.
  • Theobromine Is a psychoactive ingredient in chocolate that is poisonous to dogs.
  • Chocolate shall be put at room temperature 20°C is it then will melt in the mouth.
  • Linnean name for chocolate is theobroma, which means food of the gods!
  • The sky is blue because light hits nitrogen and oxygen molecules and scatters off of them. If all lights were scattered equally, the sky would be white. However, shorter-wavelength light is more likely to be scattered than long-wavelength particles, so that's the reason why the sky is blue. This is called a Raleigh effect.
  • The definition of temperature is how much vibrations the atoms are doing.
  • Billiard was invented in 1600s Europe, similar to Crockett. The plane of the pool table is covered green to represent grass.
  • What song is almost pure quartz.
  • I found a time is the size of a stadium, then the nucleus would be the size of a pea in the center of the stadium. And an electron will be the size of a grain of sand in the stands.
  • Glass is transparent because the energy of visible light is not high enough for the electrons in the glass to absorb the light. This is due to quantum mechanics. Higher energy lights such as UV radiation are not able to pass through glass. You cannot get a tan or sunburn through glass.
  • Pyrex is glass mixed with boron dioxide.
  • In Bohemia (Czech Republic) in 1840, A new method of mass-producing glassware was invented. The result was that people could drink beer from glasses. Not surprisingly, people did not take pleasure in seeing the dark brown bear color. So naturally not 10 years later and your beer was invented in there by Pilsen.
  • According to the UK government, more than 5000 people are touched with class and bottles every year, costing an estimated £2 billion to surgically repair the injuries.
  • The biggest 'natural' diamond ever found was extracted from the Callion mine in 1907 and was the size of a football.
  • Diamond derives from Greek 'Adamas' meaning unalterable or unbreakable
  • De Beers controlled 90% of the world's diamond production in 1902.
  • Graphite is soft because of its weak van der Waals forces.
  • Sapphires are aluminum oxide with ion impurities and rubies are aluminum oxide with chromium impurities
  • Bessemer process: the process of making cheap steel.
  • Gillette (King Camp first name) used the Bessemer process to create disposable razors.
  • Stainless steel was created by accident, Harry Brearly discovered a steel chromium aloe that lay in a rusted pile in great condition. Chromium oxide sticks really well to the steel and creates a protective layer.
  • Paper turns yellow as the lignin reacts with oxygen.
  • Graphite was mistaken for lead and was called plumbago or black lead hence the name lead pencil.
  • Diamonds do not conduct electricity because of atomic structure, there are no electrons free to move and conduct electricity.
  • The hardest material known to man is called lonsdaleite.
  • Carbon nanotubes have the highest strength-to-weight ratio in the world.
  • Graphene is a single layer of graphite that has extraordinary capabilities. It's the thinnest, stiffest, strongest material in the world and conducts heat faster and carries electricity faster and with less resistance.
  • Ceramics are impervious to UV degradation or chemical attacks.
  • Aging is the natural entropy of the body.
  • Eight elements make up 98.8% of the mass of the earth. Iron, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, nickel, calcium and aluminum.